Saturday, July 11, 2009

fanciful dream

i was in a new place, in my own room. it was time to unpack and started removing stuff from my bag. when finished removing the stuffs from my bags, i noticed i've got of shoes lying around yet, i didn't put it in their proper places. i was tired and just lain down in bed for a while. later, i got up, look about the room and noticed a door that cannot be opened. i looked out the window and saw a beautiful green rolling hills, much as the ones you'd see in ireland. beyond the field was a new building (i just knew it was a new building) but the design was castle-like. the windows was hard to open, too but in the end, i had opened it and was able to place my hand outside to feel the air. then, i locked it again. the lock was wooden. anyways, i returned at studying the door. there was a little door trap at the lower right, more like the cat doors we see on tv. i tried opening it but nothing happened. on the upper left side of the door, there was also another one of that opening. it was the size of the wooden panel on the floor we have at the house. i tried reaching up for it and somehow, just somehow, i knew, something happened. then i noticed a peephole type of thing. there, i saw something oozed, like amber or caramel. i tried to push it with a wood the size of a big hairpin and somehow, i must have done something because the ooze seemed to sucked inside the door. suddenly, there was oozing on that lower trapdoor. when i reached for it again, it opened, and there was a click inside. i just knew that that ooze started cranking up whatever's been keeping the door closed. when i opened it, there was nothing. just a little dark room, 1x1 m in floor area, that was lightened only by the light from the hallway. disappointed, i left the room to get milk.

when i went back to the room, alas! my clothes and most definitely my shoes were in proper order just beside the door of that mysterious door. or was it inside? i can't remember this well. but what i do remember is that there was a little thing, sort of like a dobby thing, leaning down from the inside of the room, on the ceiling. the first thought that came to mind was, is that a leprechaun, and am i really in ireland??? the creature seemed friendly enough, like a dobby.

and then i woke up...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

heart ache

it happened last friday. will have to write about it later though coz it's late and i have to go to sleep early. it's another manic monday tomorrow!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

22 and 28

i look like a high school kid, so when people ask me, i tell them i'm twenty-two because i feel like that. yet yesterday, i felt like my real age. it's possible that work responsibility has been getting to me lately. i wish it will end, but i hope i get to keep my job, because even though i complain a lot, i love my work. there's only one thing i hate about it and that will always remain a secret.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

gift registry

i must have been spoiled by the uk registry.

the gift registry in the philippines needs more improvement. as far as i know, there are three or four shops actually offering registry services: rustan's, sm, kultura and our home. of these four, i've only tried the first two, so these shops are the ones i'm going to compare.

with philippine standards, i'll say hats off to rustan's. a wedding registry was prepared by one of my friends who got married last year. i thought, really thought that registry meant going online, choosing your gift item, paying through credit card and having the shop deliver it for free. but lo and behold when i looked for rustan's registry online, there was nothing! okay, there was a website but i wasn't able to view the list, much more find the registry itself. calling rustan's, i found out that you have to go to the store (whatever branch is nearest to you), look over the list and choose from the display. fortunately, all i had to do was pay for it. they provided a card for where i could write down my dedication and from there, it's up to them to deliver the item.

the worst registry i've experienced was that of sm's. all along i thought one of the perks of having the registry is for a well-wisher to have a hassle-free gift shopping. but no, with sm, it's like the normal going inside the store and choosing what you like, paying for it, taking it home and giftwrapping it yourself! the only difference is that there's a list of things from which you would choose. the other thing with sm too is that if the item's not at this particular store, you have to go to the other store and buy it from there. waaah! can you imagine that? so all right. let's say you have chosen something you like from the celebrant's list. if it's less than PhP2000 or an electric appliance, then you have to take it with you because they won't deliver. with sm, you can just dump the list and buy something else. you can't feel the "specialness" of having your own registry. they didn't even offer a card for your greeting!

now the question is, what does it really mean to have a registry, let's say for a wedding? shouldn't it be something that lists all the things that the celebrants want and have their friends choose among them what they want to buy for you? and when they do buy it for you, shouldn't they have not to worry about the delivery and cards because a registry should provide this necessary service? i guess i really was spoiled by the uk shops.

on further thought, i think i like podium's baby & co.'s registry service. true, they don't have online listing but when you call, they answer to your fax requests right away. they call when they say they'd call and if the item's not with them, then they'd make sure that it is delivered to them and reserved for you. it's a long shot from what a very good registry is but at least it works. they won't make you go around town in their other shops just to find what you like.

i can't help but say this again. sm north (i'm being very specific because it's the only one i've had an experienced with so far) needs to have its registry improved. all they have right now is just a word, not the service.