Saturday, July 5, 2008

sandwich and other favorite things

i'm back!

:D i have been wanting to write about what i've been up to the last couple of weeks, especially when i got back, but i haven't really had the motivation to do it. maybe when i feel like it again, i will write about one of the best experiences of my life (maybe because it's the first time?) that occurred when i was away.

realization #1. i've always had some doubt about doing some things for the first time (e.g. riding the roller coaster) but when i'm done doing it, i still want more and try to do it again if given the opportunity (just like the thing i did the a few weeks ago).


it's been a long time since i've made one of my "thick" sandwiches. i missed it and the timing was just finally right (meaning, there was no one to cook dinner at the house, i didn't feel like cooking something for two when i'm the only one to eat it anyway, and i was craving for a sandwich!). so after mentally taking stock of what's in our refrigerator and what i need for my sandwich, i went straight to the grocery from the office. when i got home, i started making my favorite sandwich for me and my sister. it was a full sandwich complete with my favorites: meat, vegetables, seafood and fruits! wondering how it tasted like? absolutely good!!! *wink*laugh* truly, it was pretty good that i ended up eating my sister's share!!! :D

so i don't know why the picture is rotated 90deg but you know what i mean, i ate all of that!

i'm actually thinking that since my sister and officemates liked my sandwich (with a few adjustments), i might have finally found my line of business. i might start selling this for PhP50 or something like that. well, let's see what happens next. i already have 2-3 recipes in mind but we will see, really. it's quite exciting though, about building a business like this (hmm... let's see!) :D


one of my favorite tv series. but i wasn't able to follow it on tv for a long time because 1) we don't have cable in the apartment, 2) even if it's aired in local tv, i'm not sure in which channel or what time slot it is in and 3) i don't have the the time nor patience to wait for each episode to air once a week. luckily, there's such a thing called dvds! so my sister bought me the complete set of season 5 of ncis and on the day i got back from my fieldwork, i started watching it. i just finished watching the whole season last night and it was great! the only thing i regret now is i'm done with it and i have to wait until september for season 6 to air and then wait for it to finish so i could buy the next dvd set! and that would be next year! argh! talk about building anticipation! :D i wonder what will happen to gibbs and his team this next season. are there any spoilers out there?! :D


so it's time to get back to my 8-5 routine again. to be frank, i didn't miss it much!

#2. i like working in the field. more like, i feel like working in short-time projects or projects that finish fast, so i could go on to the next project. being stuck in a seven-year project that could extend for three years daunts me!

so, i'm back at work and at the moment, it's not really exciting (yet). i just had to finish two reports and i'll get back to the project i left behind when i went away for a fieldwork. *sigh* really, i don't know how to put the excitement back into my work :(

ladies' night out

i miss having dinner with my friends lately so when we had the chance, we went to eat at Tender Bob's at shangri-la last friday night. it wasn't really what i expected. the food was just ok and the ambience was normal (unlike at bubba gumps). the good thing was, i had great company with me. it was just too bad that Z's lost phone put a little damper on the evening. another great thing is i saw my adviser and his wife just outside the resto and later, i saw my former classmate in spanish class. talk about having a small world, huh!

uaap season 71 opening

and finally, today, the 71st season of the uaap opened at araneta coliseum. i was supposed to get up early so my friends and i could line up for tickets but i didn't! luckily, my friends were ok with that and bought my ticket. the opening presentation was really good, especially with the light show. our school, being the host for this year's uaap, gave a very good and unique opening. it was very filipino, even down to the "let's drink to that/ cheers" portion where they were given cups to drink with. it was very reminiscent of sanduguan that occurred when the spanish first landed in philippine soil and welcomed by the native inhabitants and sultan. our school really do have the unique and original concepts all the time! astig! :D

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