Saturday, May 23, 2009

weird dream #n

i had moved to a new place. it was a two-floor building with three rooms on the second floor. i was occupying one of the corner rooms (most probably the north room). the windows have a screen on it, like the ones i have back at home. my companion in that floor was somebody i've known for long. i can't tell who she was but i felt that it was M, who was my roommate in college.

the second scene was us with a group of friends and friends of friends eating a restaurant. we were paying and i took out the money from my black little purse. after paying, we decided to go to this rally/party and there, we were asked to donate for something. i couldn't find my purse but there was enough money on my pocket for a donation. i gave 20php. i thought that was really a big contribution then because the peso-rupiah (or was it baht?) rate is almost the same, or the peso is a little bit stronger against the dollar. after the donation, off we went to the apartment building.

it was then in my room that i realized that my purse was really gone. i realized that it must have happened that after paying at the resto, i left my purse there. yet my friends have a different idea. they think that it was one of their friends who took it (as i am writing this, it dawned on me that that person was a classmate last sem whom i did not talk with at all). they said that they saw him come by my room when i wasn't there. it was really suspicious but at that moment, my purse was important, i had to go back to that restaurant. i decided to take a cab then since the apartment was on the other side of town (much the same as when i lived at st catherine's while the department was at downing).

on the cab, the indian driver said that he'd give me some kind of a special offer on the fare if i'd exchange the earrings i was wearing. it was the same earrings that i've been wearing lately. i almost got off the cab but we might have come to an agreement because he decided to take me to the resto, although i'd forgotten where i'm going because the place i directed him to was the laundry house beside it. i can't even remember the street so i gave him some landmarks, almost the same as Nando's near the corner of the earth sciences and regent street at cam. unfortunately, we got lost and it seems like we were on the highway going away from the university center. we were then stopped by a patrolman and out of his kindness, directed us to an information center. there, we found out that we were in Stirling! my thought was, i didn't realize stirling was so near, i could have gone there when i was there before.

there, i befriended some people, and one of them, probably the barrister of the office, took to me. she later asked me if she could ask a favor, if i could buy her some stuff from boracay (that is, if i live near there) and have it sent to her by post. i was so surprised that i agreed to it, telling her i have a friend who just recently moved there (and that would be R who currently lives in cebu). as we were talking, i also realized i was talking with an accent - funny how things can change when you're in another place! at one time, i was in a place similar to home and then the next second, i was somewhere i would have love to go back to.

but that isn't the end of the dream. after minutes of conversation, a guy came in the center, and kissed the lady i was talking to. i was introduced to him as the son of the lady and he might now be very handsome but he's got the looks. he offered me a ride or something and i must said something so banal i can't even remember it. the next thing i knew, i was already awake...

now i'm glad i've written another weird dream.

B said that her mom's interpretation of these dreams is that i really want to go out but there's just no opportunity (especially of those dreams at the airport)...

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