Wednesday, December 12, 2007

i once lived here

looking back at my first experience of traveling outside the country, i can't help but think that i've always been lucky and blessed. after graduation, i took a seven-month long vacation to prepare for the board exam. during those times, i was wishing to have a job that would, even just once, let me travel to a new place. right after my board exam, i got a job as a research assistant/student and in six-month's time, i was told to ready my bag and leave for a month to work at UK! wow, my prayers were answered. even being alone on my first trip out and a little scared, it didn't take away the fun and the excitement of being in a new place.

today, i think of it again and smile. it had been years but still, the memories are clear and at times, i want to go back. today, i want to say that i once lived here.

st. chad's.
my teacher was kind enough to lend me his place for a month to save on accommodations.

assissi house. cherry hinton road.
on my second trip here, E and I lived in a student housing. what i love about the place is that each person has a room and bath. the living room has a fireplace and the windows big (but always closed because it was winter and freezing cold).

downing place. earth sciences.
i once did my research here.
i walked the halls and enjoyed a couple of happy hours and stayed late in the library
or computer room.

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