Tuesday, April 7, 2009

25 Things

This "test" had come from Facebook. The first time I came upon it was when someone tagged me. Until now, I haven't wanted to answer it because hey, are there 25 things that I can say about myself. I was not feeling brave to write down things about myself, especially when there's a number of it that you need to write. Today though, I decided to write down 25 things about myself just to see if I could get through it all without repeating anything. Here goes:

1. (I'm stuck.) I was a maldita (is snob the proper translation in english?) when I was a kid. I think I gave my mother one hell of a headache, especially when I didn't get what I wanted then.

2. I hounded my parents for probably a month, and saved whatever I could, in high school just to have them let me buy a pair of in-line skate. I never got be an expert skater, though.

3. I took lessons in piano when I was in grade school because all the other smart kids were doing it. I can still read notes until now, albeit very slowly.

4. I've been living away from my parents since college, and that is more than ten years already.

5. I'm a Catholic.

6. I have spread myself widely on the internet. I have Friendster, Facebook, Multiply, and a blog plus two working emails (not counting office and school email).

7. I got to travel alone abroad for the first time when I was 23. I had been asking that from God for the longest time and finally, He did.

8. I am still in school and I wonder when I'd be finishing my master's degree. Hopefully, soon.

9. I have one older brother and a younger sister whom I'd do anything for.

10. I dream of experiencing Europe before I turn 40 (but I have to graduate from grad school first).

11. I've never attended/marched at my college/university graduation.

12. I have never had a boyfriend (online doesn't count).

13. I want to live in another country but I don't want to stay there forever.

14. I try to go to mass every Sunday (or at least once a week), and I guess I've been pretty successful (fieldwork days that take up Sundays doesn't count).

15. I love watching TV but I can go on days without it.

16. I like listening to music but I don't have anything particular that I like as long as it's not too noisy, bordering on noise pollution.

17. I am in love with someone for the longest time but nothing had come out of it -- yet (I'm hoping, though).

18. I like my job but sometimes I doubt if I like the company I'm working for. At least I like most of the people there.

19. I like to travel especially if I have the money to spare.

20. I so long for a Nikon DSLR camera but have never seriously thought of buying one -- until a few days ago. All I need to find out is where to look for the money.

21. I love staying at home. If I can work from home, I will.

22. There are a lot of jobs I'd like to try out: bus driver in the UK, an administrative officer at my school department, travel agent, tour guide, etc.

23. I love the job that I do, it takes me to places but lately, it doesn't.

24. I have two laptops but the first one is nearly breaking down.

25. At last, I'm done. I think I could write more. But the last thing I'm writing here is something I shouldn't even have forgotten because it's staring right at me. I love books!

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