Monday, August 3, 2009


so. the former president cory aquino died last saturday morning. she is loved and her passing will be a time of great mourning for those people who knows her and who benefitted from her work. i guess that would be us - those who are enjoying our freedom, those that who had not suffered under a dictator, those who grew up knowing what it is to have freedom. she was an example of pure heroism, dedication, nationalism and faith. i just wish i could live, even just a tiny bit, the faith she has in the Lord. if there is something she will leave behind for me, it will the testimony that faith in the Lord could do great deeds, could do great wonders that would transcend all boundaries. if she will leave behind something for me, it would be the belief that there is hope for the filipinos and that really, it is great to be a filipino.

we mourn her loss but i hope her ideals live on.

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