Sunday, August 6, 2006

Weekend Disaster

Sometimes, you really get 'Dobby(i)ed' and all you can do is to take everything in stride and with a laugh.

This weekend may not be my worst but this must be the most unluckiest one I had in recent time. First, it rained really hard as i was walking after renting a book at my favorite book shop. upon arriving at the tricycle stop, i slipped on the ramp and fell on my butt -- very hard! i'm glad i fell on my butt and not on my arm or else i would have gotten a broken arm, that was how hard i fell. then at last, when i arrived home i realized that i probably dropped my coin purse in the tricycle. i don't mind losing the money (after all, it has not more than 50php inside) but i wanted my school id back! so what i did was get changed and went back to the tricycle stop hoping i'd find the driver so i can have the purse back. but no such luck!

so i went home, wet and cold, without my purse -- and my id :(

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