Monday, August 20, 2007

MY mom

she didn't recognize me.

i stood just outside the door with my back to them and she said to my sister that it was not me. when i turned around after putting my umbrella down, she was astonished. she didn't expect me to be that "chubby" and she has not seen me with my curly hair yet.

but still, i love my mama.

she ran me ragged after two days of shopping from afternoon till evening looking for her always elusive blouse (which we didn't find) and ended up buying lots and lots of plates for her to use in the coming fiesta. i know, she would again be envied by her friends who always come to the house to help out and have fun whenever there is a big celebration. i can just here them asking my mama: "na, flor! donde tu ya compra este? bale man!" or "kay guapo jud! asa man ni sya napalit?" and my would just say, "na! gipalit na sa sm sa akuang mga anak!" *laugh out loud*

last night, we took her to the bus station so she could go home and visit her parents, brothers and sisters and my father's family. i was a little bit worried about her traveling alone even if i know there's nothing to worry about since she's used to it. i was like a mother, texting her and calling her just to make sure that all her stuff was with her, if she left anything behind, asking her to text me when the bus is on its way already.

anyway, the house is now pretty quiet again for the next couple of days. early in the morning, while i was still in bed, she texted me that she's on her way to her home now. but i had to text her later in the morning to know if she arrived well at home and she told me that one of my uncles met her and brought her home and she's enjoying some time with inang, our grandmother. later, i know that my uncles, aunts and cousins will drop by the family house to visit with her. for sure, everybody is excited because they don't always get to see mama. some of my younger cousins might not even know her as they were still babies when she last visited. i hope my cousins will like the clothes we sent them.

i miss her already. how much more when she goes home on saturday? oh well... i still have friday to be with her because i will the one to pick her up at the bus station. later in the day, i know we would do some last minute shopping.

*laugh out loud* i used up all my current salary in this visit but i won't have it any other way. i'm glad i can buy stuff for my mom. money is nothing compared to her smile, her delight at seeing her new plates with the pretty designs...

i miss her already.

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