Thursday, September 6, 2007

friends, weddings and babies

friends, weddings and babies!

i can't help but notice that everybody's either getting married, expecting a baby, or had a baby! i guess we're at that age where people is moving on to the next stage of their lives (while i'm still stuck here, boyfriendless forever hehehe).

my college friend, who's a guy, told me a couple of days back that he already asked his girlfriend (also a very good of mine) to marry him. and yesterday, i talked to the girl and allowed her to tell me in her own style that they're already engaged with a "matching diamond ring!" i'm so happy for them since they've been together for a long time and i think that it's already time that they tie the knot. i'm so happy because i've seen them "fall in love" on their "first dance" and it was so sweet (as i remember it). and now, they're actually getting hitched! i'm so excited on the wedding because i'd get to wear a dress as i promised both of them that i'd wear a dress. i'd better go shopping for a dress soon! yipee!

and as i was chatting with this friend of mine, i got an sms from an officemate whose wife i also know (because as you can see, our profession is a small community and the wife was my orgmate in college). she had given birth to a baby girl! *congratulations! wishing your baby good health*

at that same time, as i was browsing through some of my friends' blogs, i found out that my friend who got married last year is expecting their first child by the end of this year! i hope the baby's the first one to be born next year in aberdeen so they'll get the one year supply of nappies! *lol*

another college friend also just had her second baby, a girl. she was a tiny little thing and very quiet and doesn't care about the noise around her. so when we visited her, everyone was in an uproar but she was sleeping like an angel. the dad said we might be called upon to be the child's godparents. hmmm i wonder if that's true! hehehe

and! a couple of months back, my brother and his wife had their first kid (my first niece!!!). the baby's so cute and growing very fast. my parents couldn't even stop talking about him. i'm excited to see him come december when i go home for the holidays. i'm going to give him his first mojos! and probably a lot of other baby things, too!

anyway, it seems like we're really approaching this stage in our lives. now, i wonder if i'll be able to catch up with them soon! *laugh out loud*

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