Thursday, October 11, 2007

My Bible - Part of a Series

Part of a Series (of how many, I don't know -- I guess it's up to God).

when i was in my sophomore year in the university, i had several subjects in one semester. they carry the bulk of my units, amounting to 5 units per subject -- including the lab and lecture: physics, biology and chemistry; include the math and engineering subject. that was the worst semester i had because during the mid-term, the typhoon came and went, leaving us with exam schedules that will not make you sleep until everything's finished.

to top it all, a certain popular girl in the dormitory approached me to attend prayer meetings. at first, i was really hesitant to join because i was thinking that i do not have the time for it. but because i did not want to offend my friend who "recommended" me and the girl, i said i would attend but cannot promise as much participation as i can. she said that it was alright. i can just be there to pray and if i don't particularly feel like sharing, i won't be forced to. they will pray for me. she just asked that i attend and listen to the word of God and be there for the others who needs to share and people to listen to. and so, i attended. i even gave her leave to wake me up during the day if i don't arrive on time.

anyway, for almost a year, i attended the prayers from time to time. i was even prayed over... until it came to a point that i had to leave because i was not comfortable anymore due to a fellow groupmate that i was not particularly fond of. i explained to my group leader that i like the prayers but i do not feel comfortable anymore - how can i pray when the words that come out of my mind/mouth does not say what's really in my heart? and so i left.

it was only a few months after that i realized that that time with the group, was the closest i had with the Lord. i didn't realize it until a few months later that He was with me: in every exam, in every sleepless nights, in every run through the college halls, in every waking moments. in everything, He was with me. He did not ask for anything, only that I be with Him, too.

but, He had done a lot for me. that time with Him will be the most memorable and i'm not sure if there will ever be anything to compare to it. writing it will not be enough but let this be a testimony to God's greatness!

God be with you, too, in every moment you have with your life.

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