Thursday, October 11, 2007

MY Bible

i've been meaning to write this for a long time now. at one time, i've put this on paper but lost it. now that there is time, i might as well write it. it's now or never!


in religion class in high school, our jesuit teacher asked us to write our own bible during the christmas break. being very academic at that point in my life, i took my children's bible, re-read, and summarized it. that was what i submitted. i was hoping that what i did was sufficiently accurate because, as i thought, it was My Bible.

after a few weeks, the teacher talked to us about our assignments but held only one paper. that paper, he said, was the only significant assignment he saw. That was the Real bible he was asking from us. Our own Bible. and he asked that particular classmate to read his own bible in class.

he read it in front of the class but the only thing i remembered was that it was his own experience with God. he told of how he was walking on the road at night and was so scared but with God on his side, walking with him, he was safe. now! that is the real Bible, my teacher said.

for a long time, i have been thinking what my real bible was. my "academic" mind was having a hard time putting words about my own experiences. it made me wonder if i truly have one true experience with God that made me really feel that He was there with me or what. through college, i was wondering about that. but then, at one point in my life, more or less after college, i realized that i had something to write about! it took years but i finally realized what my bible is! for a long time now, God had been with me everywhere, but i didn't truly understand. now, i am ready to write my own bible.

thank you, God, for making me understand. it took years to write it but it was worth the wait.

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