Monday, October 1, 2007


today, i was given my certificate of completion for a training i had attended last week. the paper it was written on was top grade and it brought back an event that i have not completely forgotten. the memory had shown me a simple, but very telling tale, of unfairness in the world...

when E and i were on our way to london on the train, i noticed a family with two kids. to keep the kids busy, the parents gave them papers and crayons they can play on for that hour trip from cam. the kids were about four-five years old and their works were not masterpieces, i can tell you that!

anyway, what i want to say is that i noticed that they were using top grade paper and that they were just throwing it around. i was hoping that the parents would teach their kids to use the papers wisely. i was remembering the kids back home then, their papers almost as thin as onion skin. when i thought catechism in high school, i remember them writing in as much space as they can on their papers because at that time, that low quality paper costs 3 pcs/PhP1. it frustrated me (even now, it does) that in the real world, equality truly does not exist. how i wished (and wish) that the children of this country will enjoy the same opportunities those children in the west have right now. i wish that they can see that that paper they were using is of lower quality, that there is more than that, and that they could have it as long as they are industrious and there are people to support them....

i hope... and i hope...

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