Wednesday, June 18, 2008

tired but still going somewhere

so i'm supposed to be packing my stuff right now, right? but look at what i'm doing -- writing in on my blog. tomorrow is another big day for me as me and my four other officemates will be going to observe and "monitor" drilling operations in one of our areas of interest. a couple of weeks ago, i was telling my friends that i miss being away and doing some kind of fieldwork; but now that opportunity has come, i'm not ecstatic about (neither does my other officemate whose husband just got back for his monthly home trip). we will be gone for almost two weeks, probably staying until the operations has wind down to the last depth and everything is wrapped up.

i supposed it would be kind of exciting but with the stress i've experienced for the last three weeks for the project i'm handling, i was just looking forward to a very relaxed weekend - sleeping, watching movies, catching up on tv series i missed, eating good food and surfing the net (hmmm how about updating my resume, too?) :D

i am so drained and with this new development, i just wish i don't get stressed up more with the environment where probably most of the crew is non-filipinos. it is stressful having to speak english, don't you think? i'm just glad that some members of the crew are known to us since we went to the same school and worked together at one time. i am just hoping that i will learn a lot in this kind of work immersion.

early this afternoon, the vp came to us and encouraged us in learning more with this opportunity. he said that it is alright to ask stupid questions, because we are still young and new to this kind of work, it is all right (or even expected) to ask stupid questions. he said, "ask now while you are still young and stupid questions are still forgivable. when you grow old, those stupid questions are not permitted anymore." i'm glad my boss told us that because truly, that is what i'm always afraid of: asking questions. a few years ago, a friend of mine who studied in the uk, noticed that we pinoys are afraid of asking questions because we might look stupid. maybe one day, she said, we will break through that mentality and fight our way over our shyness. i just hope this coming week, i'll be brave enough to ask questions, even if they are stupid. anyway, one of my mottos in life is: There's no such thing as stupid questions! (i probably should add: when you are still young). but hagar the horrible said something almost like this:

okay, so i'm hoping i'd enjoy this opportunity. learn more and be able to share what i've learned and seen when i get back to the office. i know people will miss me (yeah!) but i'll miss you more! i just hope there's internet there that we could use... :D

now, i'll just go change and start packing!

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