Thursday, February 26, 2009

in jakarta - part 3

i finalized my travel plans today for this coming weekend. please pray for me that i'll be safe always on this trip. i will write more of this, once i'm done with it. can't have too many unknown people know of your plans. alam niyo na, security purposes! LOL

but yes, i've finalized my plans. thanks so much to L's friend who pulled through for me perfectly. the only thing is that, i've got to pay for it (who would that for me anyway, right?) so i needed to go to the mall to change money. don't think that i've got cash right now coz the travel agent took it all away! LOL

will talk more about this after this weekend.

so i took a cab on my own going home today. it's good... :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

in jakarta - part 2

so many people have been discouraging me to do the day trip to borobodur. even the travel agencies are against me. the other day, i talked to this person in the agency who can arrange a day tour for me. when i returned this afternoon, the lady wasn't there, and the other girls there told me that there is no such tour. i went to another travel agency but the tour coordinator already left. when i called him about the matter, he asked me to call back after 3o minutes as he was driving. when i called back, it was already in voice call mode and i didn't know how to leave a message because the instructions were in bahasa. i just wish that L's friend will pull through tomorrow and can find an agency who can arrange that tour for me. i guess i have to remind her of that, though, tomorrow.


the tv in my room has been changed early tonight because i was wondering why i didn't have cnn nor axn. this morning, i asked the front desk how many channels there are and they said that it's the same as what i have. early this evening, i called the bell captain and he sent someone up to see to my cable. when korfun arrived, he saw that the tv wasn't right so he decided to change the tv. within an hour, i have a new tv with the full cable suit! yes! :)


today is ash wednesday. at lunch, we went with the guy in the office, F, to the service which was held in the other building. i can't believe, and it was just an eye-opener for me, that there are so many catholics here and it seems that they are more religious in their practice. although the mass was in bahasa, i just followed along. i was given the ash sign in my forehead. i observed that they don't hold hands while saying the Father's Prayer, and they shake hands during the Peace Be With You. :)


went to the sports cafe tonight to meet with D, L's friend. she was to play in a pool competition and boy, was she good! okay, there are other better girl player back home but she's good. she even one of her two games compared to her guy teammate who lost all of his games. more of this later....


batteries going down now so i'm saying bye for now!


btw, how can a person be so pessimistic that he'll try to drag you along his misery?! pakshet! :

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

in jakarta

i was meaning to write about my trip to jakarta ever since i arrived here the other day. unfortunately, it hasn't worked that way. today is my third day away from the internet and it feels like it's forever. as of this writing, i have spent 50.000 IDR just to catch up with my emails and report. as i said to the man guarding the front desk, one hour is not enough.

logging in in the wifi here isn't as easy as it should look, too. i've spent almost thirty minutes (okay, i'm exaggerating, but it felt like that) trying to figure out why the wireless network would not connect. i've been clicking and clicking away with no result and when i just clicked without thinking, the login window appeared. so here i am now, finished with my mails, my report to the girl bosing, and at last, writing this blog and at the same time, downloading the yahoo messenger.

so what have i been up to the last few days, ever since i left the philippines?

for one, when i arrived in jakarta, the only thing i can think of is this one thing that i've read somewhere: you can see the culture of a people in the way they build their buildings. true enough, jakarta may be a modern city just like manila but in many of its buildings, one could see remnants of their malay architecture, especially the roofing. i will try to take some pictures soon so i could show you all what i'm talking about.

second is, not much common people speak english here. it's a struggle to ride on a taxi with a driver who doesn't have even a little english background.

third, the public transport is surprisingly good. the blue bird taxi is very efficient (unfortunately, not all of their drivers know how to speak english). yesterday, my officemate and i, having an afternoon break, decided to go to this national monument. we asked for directions using public transportation instead of a taxi. we took a mini-bus #640 (cost: 2.000 IDR) across the street from the hotel, went down to this place called Benhil and went up an overpass to go to what they call a busway station. this bus, transjakarta (either blue or red), has a special lane all of its own. cost for one trip, including transit is only 3.500 IDR compared to 6.000 flagdown of a bluebird taxi. cheap, isn't it? and not so hassle (exclude the mini-bus please because the buses are small and run-down) at all.

fourth, i have been mistaken for being indonesian many times than i can count now. yes, it seems that we, brown asians, almost look the same but i was hoping that i'd be recognized more of a latina LOL... anyways, people start to talk to me in bahasa and all i can say is, "sorry, english only." :D

more stories about indonesia soon. i must save my internet hours now. bye.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


i had two rings since gradeschool. both were given by my mother. one, i stopped wearing years ago because it got broken. the last one, i stopped wearing today. it's funny how things can be sometimes. last year, when i slipped down the steps and was able to grab the railings on the stairs, the ring got deformed. what was once a round ring became oblong. with much effort, i was able to make it back to a semblance of what was it before. yesterday, for no apparent reason, it broke. on the same place where my first ring broke.

today, i stopped wearing the ring, and i feel incomplete. i want them back and for that to happen, i need to have them both repaired. i just wish i can have them back whole again before i leave this weekend.

what i am not prepared for though, is with what this lost made me think. it made me think of things i shouldn't and couldn't have yet, but one i so desire for a long time. it makes me scared and it makes me feel so helpless. it makes my heart break and it makes the longing more unbearable. i just can't help imagine things i shouldn't. life is a bitch in this way.

oh how i wish i could have my rings back now. as in NOW!


speaking of leaving this weekend, our papers aren't ready yet. we only have two days to go to finish the preparations but apparently, we will be rushing things along. oh well, not me but my companion because i was the one who made the ball rolling. i have been waiting for such a thing like this but as of today, i am not really that excited. i am not sure why -- maybe because my companion is a person with whom i don't go along well with. on my other trips, i have planned what to do weeks before the actual trip. i will have made lists of things to see, how much to spend and what rides to take. yet now, i haven't made any concrete plans yet. i am just a little sad that i'm not really that excited. hopefully, everything will change when i get there.

Monday, February 16, 2009

how long...

how long can we keep this up? :

Saturday, February 14, 2009

why i hate valentine's day

it started when i was in high school. little did i know from when i was a child in grade school that i would "hate" this day. as it was, i always buy little heart to pin on my collar, hoping that one day (or that day), i would find my valentine. it never came to be - not even in high school when i thought (and even my classmates thought that it was) that i have someone special.

so it all started when my literature teacher decided that for once, we will take a break from class and have a little go-round of flowers for that special person in the class - of course, from the opposite sex. we were asked to form one big circle and each person should pass the rose to another classmate of the opposite sex and this one should give the flower to another person. no repeats should be made. so on and on it went, until the guy everybody thought would give the flowers to me, gave the flower to someone else. i was -- hmmm, i wasn't sure what i felt that time -- maybe disappointed but i didn't lose hope because i have other guy friends who could give me the flower when they realized i've never received it yet... on and on it went until i realized, almost everybody had received the flower except for two people -- me and another girl. that was a very disappointing blow - to my heart and my pride. i felt so down, i felt so depressed, i felt so unloved. yet, i kept quiet because i didn't want to cry over a plain flower.

at the end of the class, as i was talking to my girl friends about it, my close guy friends heard what happened and were aghast to realize what had happened. all the while, with all the excitement and confusion over the flower giving, they all thought that this particular guy had given me the flower because they knew that he "liked" me but it never happened. we can't bring back the time. i had to live with it (at least, the other girl had to live with it too!).

that particular valentine day, i was so sad that all i thought about was going home.

but always, always, there's a little silver lining waiting for you. when i arrived home, there was a small flower candy waiting for me -- courtesy of my mom. she didn't know what happened, but it was a blessing, a gift that i won't forget.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

radio blunder

i shared a room with three great friends when i was in college. we were science and engineering students and commonly, most nights were spent studying with the radio on. during those nights, there was one radio station we would listen to. one night, on a valentine week, this radio station was giving a way a package get-away tour. a guy called and won the price. the conversation:

dj: so, whom are you going to share the price with?
guy: ah, someone...
dj: is she someone special?
guy: yes, sort of... she's my phone pal.
dj: what if we call her now, so she'll be surprised, too?
guy: can we do that? sure!
dj: why not? so give us her number (then went off-air for a while)...

a few minutes later, the phone rang and was answered by a girl.

dj: hi, this is from the radio station. is this this and that?
girl: yes.
dj: well, we've got a surprise for you. someone is giving you a great valentine get-away gift.
girl: is this for real?
dj: yes! so is there someone you want to share this price with?
girl: sure, my husband...

- a gasp in the background... -

dj: hold on, you've got a husband? oh boy.... hey, guy! you heard this? well, girl, that someone who wants to give you the price is here. you know this guy?
girl: what?!
guy (at the same time): what, you've got a husband?!
dj: oh boy.... we're just going to be on commercials, ladies and gentleman.

-- and the commercials played.

that's the end of it. we don't know what happened after that.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

cake and kid

i picked up my birthday cake gift today. it's lovely! baked by H & R, it's a round cake, very heavy with white icing and red heart sprinkles and beads on them! will post a picture later...

to continue with the story, as i was waiting for the jeepney to have enough passengers to take off, the jeepney barker leaned over the red box i'm carrying and saw that it was my cake. he then proceeded to talk to me but as it was not in my nature to talk to strangers (well, i was kind of afraid because i was the first one inside the jeepney and there were two of them there, the barker and his friend. i'm afraid they might get crazy and accost or rob me. sorry, i'm also an untrusting fool...), i didn't talk nor looked at him. but yes, i heard him alright.

'si ma'am, may birthday cake. birthday siguro ng anak niya. happy birthday po, ma'am.'
ma'am has a birthday cake. it's probably her kid's birthday. happy birthday, ma'am.

what the heck?! do i look that old, and do i look like i've already given birth? anyway, i just sat there, as if they didn't say anything nor did i hear anything. but as i was sitting there, i just tried to take it as something funny. i didn't want to ruin my day and it's not a big deal to actually make me ruin my day. so i just smiled and ignored them. but yes, i just had to write this one out. it's funny anyway. :)

Friday, February 6, 2009

monday plan

it's going to be a special day on monday!

it's going to be a happy day. i know i might be disappointed with some who wouldn't remember, but still, i'll still be grateful for those who do and will be there to celebrate it with me. on previous ocassions as this, i've never really planned on anything except to go to church. this year, it's going to be different. i've made plans and i'm pretty excited about it. not much friends will be there because of work, but it will be fun with those who's going to drop by and say hi!

so on the happy day, monday, the plan is --

early am - go to mass
soon after - water spa with sis
lunch - eat out or at home
- buy pancit malabon
- buy barbecue
- prepare for mid-afternoon
mid-afternoon - picnic with friends
late afternoon - go home
early evening - dinner with cousins

early planning on sunday --

1. buy the following
- spoon, fork
- plastic cups
- garbage bags
- hotdog stick
- hotdog
- marshmallow
- papaya
- egg
- mayo
- sugar
- coke and tropicana

2. R and AtH are baking me a cake!!! YES!!! it's gonna be so yummy! pick-up cake on Sunday!!! :D

3. make the egg sandwich and papaya

what to serve at the picnic --

- pancit malabon
- cake
- egg sandwich (15 pcs)
- barbecue (25pcs)
- papaya
- hotdogs with marshmallows (20pcs)
- drinks

who's going to come (i hope they'll be coming!)

- am, eg, ca, jg, ep, er, ml, br, cousin af, clj, glcl, lrs, nck (i'll add 5 more to be sure)...

things still needed:

- banig

*bring 2 malongs, camera (charge batteries!)


have i forgotten anything else? :)

points of love

two points:

1. you cannot give something that you don't even have in the first place. loving is always about giving. you can give without loving but you can't love without giving.

2. love always searches for that something special within a person. we search to know more, to feel more close to the Lord, who is in that person.

now mother teresa, according to the priest, once said: give until it hurts. give more until it hurts more. give more and more... and more... and more.... until hurts more and more... and more... and more... and then give more... until you feel no pain anymore....

ouch... that hurts...!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

on birthdays

on the mrt this afternoon, B asked about our 18th birthday - what did we do? did we have a cake... now that is a story worth remembering...

on my 18th birthday, i was away from my family. it was the first time i'm to celebrate it with any of them. i was in the university then, living at a dormitory with only new found friends to celebrate it with. i remember that i didn't have much planned for that day for a couple of reasons. first, it was a weekday and therefore, i had classes. second, most of the people in the dormitory were cramming because it was exams week. just the following day, we were to have a major exam, one where unlucky people need to take the course twice. as freshmen, we were not planning on taking it twice! third, i didn't have money for extra expenses at that time and i don't remember asking my parents for some! hehe

so there, i only planned on going to mass and then study.

the night before my birthday, i didn't even see my friends. as my usual ritual, i went to my friends' room but nobody answered. it was puzzling but i didn't mind at all because it was exams week.

in the morning, as i opened my door to go to the bathroom, lo and behold! i was surprised because there was a big greeting poster in front of our room! i was amazed to realize that my friends were keeping quiet in their room the night before just so they could put it up early in the morning. i still have that poster up to this day...

during the day, my friends kept on asking what my plans were but as i didn't have any, i just told them that i'm going to church. they insisted that i wear something girly, as it was my special day. so just to get them off my back, i wore a skirt and blouse with matching sandals. that was the best i could do then since i loathe wearing dresses before. so off i went to the six pm mass...

when i arrived back at the dorm and my room, i was suddenly paged and had to go to the lobby for a visitor. guess what greeted me??? my all-time crush that time was waiting for me, carrying a bouquet of flowers and i could see my friends there, orchestrating the whole thing. i bet they even bought that bouquet so that the guy could give me something hehe... so i took the bouquet from him and started to get back to my room when he/they led me somewhere else. i was so clueless as to what's happening until we arrived at the dormitory garden where eighteen roses and candles were waiting for me.

what surprised me most was that my aunt and cousin were also there. at last, family! apparently, my mom called my aunt to ask her to come on my birthday. thankfully, she brought enough food to add to what my friends had prepared. as i write this, i realize that they must have spent too much on me on that day just to give me a memorable debut and i can't help but be thankful for having them for friends.

so on that night, i had eighteen roses from eighteen wonderful guys who were willing to dance with me that night - some friends from home, some classmates, and some guys who i only see at the dining hall - guys who were willing to make one girl's day special. thank you.

so on that night, i had eighteen wishes from my eighteen candles. my girl friends in the dormitory - all very special girls who went that extra mile to make a lonely girl feel happy on her eighteeth birthday. thank you.

as i think back on that day, i can never ever forget what these special friends have done for me, and i can't ever thank them enough. i pray that God will bless them always. i thank God He gave them to me as friends.


when i was a kid, i can only count the times i had a real birthday cake. i don't think we were that poor but i don't remember much cake on birthdays, especially the ones with lots of icing on it. i remember a birthday cake made by mom. it was a chiffon cake covered with caramelized condensed milk. it was yummy!


but i guess it will be my sister who's got the most memorable birthday celebration ever. she was born in the season of typhoons. on this particular birthday of her, my parents prepared some food and cake for her but as the day went on, the rain didn't stop pouring and eventually, our home got flooded. the water on the first floor reached about a feet high. we had no electricity and only the sound of rain and thunder can be heard throughout the night. yet it was still a happy time. instead of wallowing because of a lost birthday celebration, my parents took all the food up to their room, including the cake, and with candles around, started singing happy birthday to my sister. it was an "exciting" moment for my sister so didn't mind much about it. as far as i can recall, she was still pretty excited about it all. as i think back, maybe it was because she would have something to tell her friends when she gets back to school! hehehe


so enough of these stories. did you guess why i'm writing this? i am turning a year older next monday! yey! :) and i'm planning on doing something now! don't forget to greet me! :)

Monday, February 2, 2009


okay, hindi pa araw ng kalayaan pero gusto kong maging makabayan ngayon kaya ang ilalagay ko dito ay lyrics (ano ito sa tagalog?) ng dalawa sa mga paborito kong awiting makabayan ng pilipinas....

Ako ay Pilipino

Ako ay Pilipino
Ang dugo'y maharlika
Likas sa aking puso
Adhikaing kay ganda
Sa Pilipinas na aking bayan
Lantay na Perlas ng Silanganan
Wari'y natipon ang kayamanan ng Maykapal

Bigay sa 'king talino
Sa mabuti lang laan
Sa aki'y katutubo
Ang maging mapagmahal

Ako ay Pilipino
Ako ay Pilipino
Isang bansa, Isang diwa
Ang minimithi ko
Sa Bayan ko't Bandila
Laan Buhay ko't Diwa
Ako ay Pilipino, Pilipinong totoo

Ako ay Pilipino
Ako ay Pilipino
Taas noo kahit kanino
Ang Pilipino ay Ako!

Bayan Ko

Ang bayan kong Pilipinas

Lupain ng ginto't bulaklak
Pag-ibig ang sa kanyang palad
Nag-alay ng ganda't dilag
At sa kanyang yumi at ganda
Dayuhan ay nahalina
Bayan ko, binihag ka
Nasadlak sa dusa.

Ibon mang may layang lumipad
Kulungin mo at umiiyak
Bayan pa kayang sakdal dilag
Ang di magnasang makaalpas!
Pilipinas kong minumutya
Pugad ng luha ko't dalita
Aking adhika, Makita kang sakdal laya.

okay ba? may isa pa... hahanapin ko lang muna.... :)
heto na, heto na!!!
Aling Pag-Ibig Pa
Aling pag-ibig pa ang hihigit kaya
Sa pag-ibig ko sa iyo, bayan ko?
Sa hirap at ginhawa
Sa ligaya't dalita,
Ako'y kasa-kasama mo
Kung ang gintong palay ay kumakaway
Katabi mo ako sa bukid, bayan ko
Kung tigang ang lupa
At 'di ka makaluha
Ako ang magdidilig
Kung ang bulaklak ay humahalimuyak
Igagawa kita ng kwintas, bayan ko
Kung magbababanta ang bagyo't sigwa
Ako'y may kubong ligtas
May pag-ibig pa bang higit na dakila
Sa pag-ibig ko sa iyo, bayan ko?
Wala na nga, wala
Wala na nga, wala
Wala na nga, wala
-Andres Bonifacio

Sunday, February 1, 2009

silent debate

i have been meaning to write this joke everytime i remember it. it was told by our english teacher during my high school year while we were whiling away the time. he was a jesuit priest (was, because he already left the congregation a few years back...)!

the silent debate: up vs ateneo

a silent debate once occurred between ateneo and up. each team consists of three members. there is no definite topic on which to debate on. as it was, whatever goes goes. but as of this writing, i don't specifically remember how they choose the winners. the silent debate goes like this, starting with ateneo:

ateneo: holds up a finger
up: points two fingers
ateneo: holds up three fingers
up: holds up and shakes his fist
ateneo: holds up an apple
up: holds up a pandesal

time's up!

in the ateneo dugout, everyone was discussing their debate and they think that they're going to lose. here was what said:

guys, the up students were so prepared. i don't know if we can win this debate. imagine, when we held up one finger and intimated that there is only one God, they answered back that there are two, God the Father and God the Son. But even if we said that there are three persons in one God, the Holy Trinity, they answered back that they are united in one! I have nothing to say but show an apple to represent the food of the Gods, but they held up their bread to signify the bread of life!

in the up dugout, however....

pare, ang yayabang talaga nang taga-ateneo! biro mo, simula pa lang ng debate, dinuruan na tayo. e di dutdutan na lang natin ang dalawang mata nila. pero hello, binalik ba naman tayo ng tusok sa mata at ilong pa! kaya tinaas ko na ang kamao ko. bugbugan na lang. tapos nagmayabang pa. apple ang baon, tayo pandesal lang!