Wednesday, February 11, 2009

radio blunder

i shared a room with three great friends when i was in college. we were science and engineering students and commonly, most nights were spent studying with the radio on. during those nights, there was one radio station we would listen to. one night, on a valentine week, this radio station was giving a way a package get-away tour. a guy called and won the price. the conversation:

dj: so, whom are you going to share the price with?
guy: ah, someone...
dj: is she someone special?
guy: yes, sort of... she's my phone pal.
dj: what if we call her now, so she'll be surprised, too?
guy: can we do that? sure!
dj: why not? so give us her number (then went off-air for a while)...

a few minutes later, the phone rang and was answered by a girl.

dj: hi, this is from the radio station. is this this and that?
girl: yes.
dj: well, we've got a surprise for you. someone is giving you a great valentine get-away gift.
girl: is this for real?
dj: yes! so is there someone you want to share this price with?
girl: sure, my husband...

- a gasp in the background... -

dj: hold on, you've got a husband? oh boy.... hey, guy! you heard this? well, girl, that someone who wants to give you the price is here. you know this guy?
girl: what?!
guy (at the same time): what, you've got a husband?!
dj: oh boy.... we're just going to be on commercials, ladies and gentleman.

-- and the commercials played.

that's the end of it. we don't know what happened after that.

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