Friday, March 7, 2008

funny, questioning, irritant and daunting

in the elevator after lunch today, we were talking about our hair and of course, i had to put a word or two about mine coz i truly love it! anyway, on the fifth floor, a lady got in as i was just saying that i haven't brushed my hair since it was curled last july. ha! she must have been so intrigued about what i said and gave my hair a curious look! oops! i didn't mean it the way it sounded! :D

why is it that people go on fun vacation during the holy week? when i opened my email a few days ago, a high school classmate on our egroup asked where we can all go for this long break. he listed a few places but none of them were places you can go to and reflect - boracay, galera, etc. i didn't want to seem like a killjoy but i truly wanted to ask them if they really learned something from religion class! what the heck! we grew up in catholic schools, at least most of us were. so sad. isn't holy week a time of reflection and reconciliation with God? i hope my friends will be enlightened.
an irritant again. why is it that i'm getting passed over some opportunity when it is obvious that i'd be the one who'd benefit most from it because i'm the one doing it? yeah, life's definitely unfair.
the last couple of days saw me as a sounding board to a friend who's scared about getting married this year. she was asking me it's really possible to know if that one guy is the last one and of course, i cannot answer that. she asked why she's meeting all these interesting guys when she's about to get married. what if she'll f*ck up? yeah, i guess she's really scared but i know, she loves the guy and is willing to spend the rest of her life with her guy. this conversation led her to ask me if i would want to meet a guy from her work and that made me stop -- and think of drifter.
i am foolishly crazy over him and it made me wonder how it will be without him in my life (anymore). we have never started anything yet but i'd surely want to see how we will be together. it's daunting to think how it would be without him and i hope i'll never lose him, even just as a friend.

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