Saturday, August 2, 2008

saturday affair

this isn't one of my usual saturday thing because frankly, aside from paying the bills, i don't get out much on the weekends. you could even say that i am just a homebody. others may call it laziness. but to me, it's a time to be on my own, to do what i need more: catch up on sleep and rest. this is the same reason why i don't bring work at home. anyway, i still have a thesis to worry about because i couldn't (or wouldn't?) make time for it.

thesis, upcat and cake

speaking of thesis, i decided to work on it again starting this first saturday of august. yet, the powers that be had prevented me from doing that. i have forgotten that during the university's national entrance examination, all buildings in the campus are closed as they are being used for the thousands of students taking the exams. too bad i wasn't able to start that today. i desperately need to do it NOW!

and then, yesterday, i wanted to eat a cake and remembered that one of my friends will be celebrating her birthday today. and so as to appease my craving and still be able to give a gift, i ordered devil's food cake at the chocolate kiss at the campus which will be picked up --- Today! at 12nn! you know what's wrong with this? it's another thing that i've forgotten -- traffic at the campus! reminds me that i no longer am in touch of the goings-on in the campus. anyway, to be able to pick up the cakes on time, i decided to walk to the cafe. fortunately, i brought my umbrella with me because it was raining!!!

you might be wondering why i didn't wait for the traffic to lighten up before going back home at noon today. that was because i was running late! i had to leave the house by 130pm so i can arrive on time at the ccp to meet up with my friend (the one who's celebrating the birthday) to watch cinderella. the most exciting part of it, aside from giving the cake, was going to see a musical in a dress! LOL and such a pretty dress it was, too! :)


i totally loved cinderella. while watching it, i realized that it was really meant for kids or kids at heart. the show was very light-hearted and beautifully made. i so admired the set - mostly in blue, purple and yellow lighting, colors that show perfectly, the magic in the play. and i liked the message the fairy godmother said when cinderella talked about dreams and wishes. the godmother said that it is not alright to dream alone. we had to be active to fulfill the things we need to fulfill. we shouldn't spend all our time in dreams. but then again, if we don't dream, we have nothing because everything starts with a dream. in one of the songs, they say that impossible things happen everyday.

and oh! lea and the prince were really great! same as with the stepmother and stepsisters. they were so funny. actually, the whole crew was amazing! the chorus, the principal characters and the orchestra. would really want to watch it again! :)

now i just wish i had the courage to move on, and realize My dreams!

what a saturday this was!

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