Thursday, March 19, 2009


i haven't been sleeping that well eversince i got back from my two-week trip. well actually, i haven't been sleeping well since the day i left for that trip. there's just something not quite fun about staying in a hotel for two weeks, with only the tv to keep you company and only the hotel staff to greet you when you arrive from a day at work.

anyways, yes, i haven't sleeping well lately. it seems that dreams have been dominating my supposedly quiet time with myself. sleep should be a relaxing time but for me, at the moment, it seems like a tiring time. i can point out three instances that my dreams had made me feel more tired instead of more rested. another irritating thing is they occur at a time when i'm near to waking up to prepare for work.

dream #1. kiwi

i dreamed that i saw kiwi again. it was like we were on the same area where we first (and last) went on a field trip. the only funny thing was that he grew a little bit chubbier and he was singing for me. that was fun because he was so cute but believe me, it brought me unnecessary grief! LOL

dream #2. chasing homie's bag in china

so that morning, i was in china doing -- well, i don't know. all i know is that i was there and i was supposed to meet homie. i went around the town which was so un-china and more southeast asian. anyways, when i got back to the hotel, i saw homie with his family and it was a little bit raining. the roads were wet. i went to meet up with him through the hotel's right entrance. when he saw me, he told me he needs to get on the bus with his family first and would i be kind enough to take his bags first. as a friend, i agreed until i saw that his bags were carried by this chinese rickshaw, and was driven by a chinese who do not speak english! when homie left, i asked the rickshaw driver to bring it to the hotel but hello, he rounded up and made for the front entrance which was so far away. one needs to go to the streets again just to get to the entrance. so what i did was shout at the guy and ran to follow him through the streets.

i don't know if i ever caught up with him but hello, i woke up breathless, like i was running the longest time!

dream #3. going to the uk again in an unseemly way

this is a recurring dream but this was the first time that i was so disorganized in this dream. before, i was just running late for the flight but now, i am soooo disorganized. the only happy thought about it was the idea of being able to eat on that sidestreet bread store at cam that i happen to discover in a previous dream.

so what happened was i was to go to the uk again in a short notice; it was like i was told this morning and will fly out tonight. all i was able to do was what i was best at -- basketball packing. then on my way to the airport, i realized that i don't have money at all and that i couldn't change money in any exchange shops even if i can withdraw money because they were already closed at that time. i remember being so worried about it because i had nowhere to go to. even when my mother arrived and could have helped me with money, still there was no exchange shops!

the next thing that made me more worried was when i realized that i haven't packed any underwears! oh my! what am i to do?!

that was then that i woke up, breathless again!

what dreams are these! i wonder what the next dreams will be!

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