Tuesday, March 17, 2009

growing old

it may be that i'm growing old but i notice that i tend to not like going out late at night anymore. when i was still in school, i used to go home after 12 mn. lately, i find 8pm very late. when i find myself outside late, i start to worry how i'm going to get home. will there still be a public transport going to my place, is it still safe to take the ride near this gate, or whatever other concerns there are. it's driving me crazy when i think of it.

bungee jump. when i was in school, i dream of bungee jumping on my own if ever i get the chance to do it. today, i think that if i ever jump, it would be with someone else so we can both share the exhilaration and the fear.

there's so many changes and i feel that i'm not up to it yet. there's so many things to do yet i feel that i'm getting older for some of those things. if only i can fast forward to doing all those things so my age could catch with them, i will. yet that isn't the case. sometimes, i'm at a lost and i ask myself, will i ever get to do those things ever? i hope i will.

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