Sunday, March 15, 2009

a photo: the giant

on my tour to central java, this image was a familiar sight. the tour guide then told me a story about him and how he came about to guard the gates of the gods...

this one was once a giant who wanted to become immortal. one day, in a party of gods and goddesses, the giant came dressed as a monk. he wanted to be immortal, you see, and in that gathering, the gods and goddesses would partake from the cup of immortal waters. the giant went and took the cup but someone recognized him for what he really was - a giant. someone recognized him and told a powerful god. as the giant was about to drink from the cup, the god came and cut him from the jaw down. until this day, the giant's head was placed in the gates without his jaws and his tongue going down to the side and steps of the entrance.

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