Monday, December 1, 2008

sunday reflection

sunday was the first day of advent. advent, a time of waiting for the Lord's coming.

usually, waiting is a time for joy and sometimes, it comes with despair. for example, a couple expecting their baby or a student waiting for the exam's results. yet often in our lives, our waiting is coupled with despair. like the Israelites, their waiting in the desert during their journey to the promise land was in despair.

yet waiting is an important thing in our lives. waiting allows us to "cleanse" ourselves. it allows us to reflect on what we have done and what we ought to do. waiting is also a time to recognize that it is in His hands, whatever we're waiting for. for example, after an example, no matter how much time we reflect on it, the results are up to Him.

yun lang. just want to write it down so i won't forget.

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