Monday, September 29, 2008

math laughter

in college, i had to take a 3-part math series that lasts for three semesters.

it was an experience because it was the first time i failed in math. in high school, i was in the math olympiad team for four consecutive years. though i don't claim to be the best, i thought i could hold my own in any math problems. my preparatory calculus classes in college, which included algebra and geometry, i passed with good marks. but lo and behold when i got into the series.

the first, i took it twice. that's equal to one year math.
the second, i took it only once but had to take a second final exam to make it.
the third, i took three times!

in average, i finished my series in three years. a year after my sister did.

yet, i have funny experiences with my math. the first one was with my 2nd series class. on the first day of my second take, i got a surprised. i was in the same teacher's 54 class! when she called out my name, she looked up and asked me,

"ms. b, would you like to change to another teacher?"
"no, ma'am. i'd rather it be you."

so, i had that teacher again. fortunately this time, i did good and passed. in our third long exam, i got a 96% and she said,

"wow, ms. b! you got one of the highest grades! i'm so happy for you!"

cool teacher, huh?! she's over 50 years old.


as i said, my sister who is two years younger than me, finished the math series a year ahead of me. when she reported to my dad that she got an Uno grade for that last class in the series, my dad asked her to hand over the phone to me:

"dalaga, isn't that the subject you've been taking the last couple of sems?"
"yes, papa. i don't have it this sem but i'm on my third take next sem."
"ok, so this is what you're going to do. get all your sister's exam as examples, let her come to your class and let her take your exams! you look alike so your teacher wouldn't notice it!"

ha! isn't my dad just great? teaching me his ways when he was in college? but in his case, he was the one taking the exam for his brods. LOL

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