Wednesday, October 29, 2008

a child's sweetness

it's been two days and i can't seem to remove the image of a child asking me to carry him --

mr. pumpkin was such a little beauty in his pumpkin costume last tuesday. he was sociable, he was lovable. when asked what his name was, he answered in his cute little voice --

"mr. pumpkin."

and after he finished getting his treats, he said in his cute little voice again -- "bye, bye, people."

cute little kid... makes you want to have a child like that, someone who is not afraid to meet new people, someone who is easily liked.

as i went down the stairs of the office after office hours, mr. pumpkin was there. i greeted him, and he said "Kiss."

"what, you want to kiss me?" Yes, was his reply and proceeded to kiss me and hugged me at the same time, conveying his desire for me to carry him. It was a sweet joy carrying that kid and enjoying his full trust in me, that he'd let me, a virtual stranger, carry him. luckily, his mom and dad know me so there was no problem with that.

"i'm going home now, mr. pumpkin. would you like to go home with me?" Again, his reply was "Yes." It was such a lovely thing for him to say that. He was so sweet. And he kissed me again.

Inside the van, as we were readying to go home, Mr. Pumpkin came to wish us a safe trip home, carried by his papa. "Bye, bye, people. See you again next time. Close the window (of the van."

*Sigh* Such sweet little boy. One day, I'll have one myself, one as cute as him and as intelligent as him... :D --- I hope!

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