Monday, October 6, 2008

kindergarten and boys

in early grade school, i was kind of a star because of my brother. the adjoining school was an all boys school and for sure, there were plenty of cute guys. every afternoon, my brother, who was six years older than me, was tasked to pick me up at school. as i get off earlier than him, i spend my time playing with my classmates. i'll know when my brother has come to pick me up when most of the kids stop playing and start staring at the gates. there, you could see a group of cute, young sixth graders lounging at the gate looking around. all i have to do then was grab my bag, run to them, hand them my bag and walk as if i'm their princess and they are my personal bodyguards. as a young kid, i didn't mind this at all. only when i got a little bit older that i came to realize that i was pretty lucky to have such great guys escorting me home. i must have been envied by a lot of older girls back then! LOL today, one of those guys is a dentist, a navy officer, and a teacher.

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